Create a Signature Program Your Ideal Clients Really Want

Get Your Free Signature Program Template

  • Stop selling your time and create a program your ideal clients happily invest in
  • Deliver amazing results for your clients and create the greatest impact
  • Have a program you become known for that becomes your #1 source of clients and income
  • BONUS – Video training that shows you how to get paid to create your Signature Program

Cindy Schulson shows coaches and consultants how to stand out in this noisy online world and enroll more clients by Marketing with Heart vs Hype.

Cindy has more than 20 years of marketing experience, including 12 years working with coaches and 10 years working in Strategic Communications for such companies as Coca-Cola and Visa.

She loves helping her clients sort through their “brain dump” of ideas, and discover the golden nuggets that make them shine in their own completely unique way.