Your marketing message is one of the most valuable assets you can create for your business. Even the best (and shiniest) marketing activities will fall flat without effective messaging.
So what makes your marketing message effective?
Here are 10 criteria to help you assess the effectiveness of your message.
1. Focused
Your marketing message should speak directly to your ideal client. Here’s a hint… if your message speaks to “people” or even “women”, it’s not focused enough.
2. Relevant
Your message has to address the top-of-mind challenges and goals of your ideal clients. Top-of-mind means they’re aware it’s a challenge, and it’s something they’re looking for help with.
3. Tangible
Your message should focus on the results you help your clients achieve vs. the process you take them through. If you’re a coach, don’t talk about how great coaching is. Talk about the specific results you’ll help them achieve.
4. Clear
This is a biggie, and it’s what I call “marketing for smarty pants”. You might know the jargon, but it’s not clear to your ideal client, and it’s certainly not how they would talk. Your message should be simple, clear and use the language your ideal clients would use.
5. Concise
The impact of your message is diluted if it’s too long and detailed. Make each word of your message count and get rid of any fluff. Eliminate any repetition or unnecessary words (see what I did there?)
6. Connected
We know that people buy based on emotion and justify with logic. So your message has to connect with the hearts and minds of your ideal clients. This one is so key, and the way to do it is with your Core Message.
7. Unique
Don’t just copy someone else’s message. Find your own voice and unique way of expressing yourself.
8. Authentic
Your message shouldn’t just say what people want to hear but speak your truth as well. It should let them know not just what you do, but what you stand for – your unique position.
9. Inspiring
Your message should inspire your ideal client to see the possibilities of what they can achieve. And it should inspire them to take action and learn more.
10. Passionate
Your message has to ignite a spark not just in your ideal clients, but in you as well. You should be able to share your message with passion and confidence.
How did you do? Share your marketing message below for feedback.
Want to learn how to create your own effective marketing message? Click here to get your free Brand Message Template.
I love this blog post, Cindy! Thanks for laying this out there for us to use to refine our message. Here’s a stab at a core message for Vibrant Digital VA.
Vibrant Digital VA enables businesses that are ready to invest in online marketing and are interested in hiring virtual assistant services to experience a positive return on investment due to the use of sales funnels to escalate traffic to their web properties, generate new leads and increase sales.
Hi Vena,
Thanks for jumping in and giving that a go! If you don’t already have it, be sure and get our free Brand Message Template at so you can have some easy to use templates to create your messaging.
In the meantime, let’s take a step back and think about your ideal client for a minute. What is their biggest top-of-mind challenge and how would they describe that challenge? What’s the solution you offer and the result you help them achieve?
So for instance, when you say “businesses that ready to invest in online marketing and are interested in hiring va services”, they may not think of it that way. You’re pointing to a service vs. a solution.
It’s like me saying, businesses who want a marketing coach. They aren’t looking for a marketing coach, but rather the results that coach can help them achieve.
We also want to think about what’s unique about your approach or perspective. What’s the stand you’re here to take in your business. That’s the Core Message that’s the heart of your brand. We’ll incorporate that in all your marketing, including your marketing message.
Once you get these pieces together, it will make all your marketing so much easier!