I know that you’re passionate about what you do and serving your clients. And I also know how frustrating it is to spend time, energy and money doing marketing that isn’t bringing you the results you want. I’d love to share a fresh way of thinking about and doing marketing that is totally aligned with […]
Attract More Clients
Are You in Alignment?
Have you ever felt like you’re out of alignment with what you teach? If so, you’re not alone. The other day, on a group coaching call I was leading, one of my clients shared how she felt like she wasn’t walking her talk. Her area of expertise is managing stress and she was feeling really […]
Create an Exceptional Client Experience with AccessAlly
As a coach or other service professional, you want to create an exceptional client experience. What if there was a way to do that, while also making what you do more tangible and easier to explain to your prospective clients? And what if you could package what you do in different ways, so you can […]
5 Reasons to Avoid Hype Marketing – and What to do Instead
Think about some of the words associated with marketing…. Juicy, sizzle, 6 figures, launch, effortless. What do you think when you hear these words? I know what I think. Hype. It’s to the point that you might think that in order to have a successful online business you have to be willing to market yourself […]
5 Simple Ways to Create a Captivating Brand
The term “personal brand” means different things to different people. Think of your brand as how people think and feel about your company. It should instantly communicate your personality and unique value, and set you apart from everyone else. Here is where a lot of people get stuck. Everyone tells you that you have to create […]