A prior blog post, “What to look for in a joint venture partner”, generated a great discussion about joint ventures. And a lot of questions. Here’s one question that I thought was really good and deserves further attention: “How can you connect with JV partners when you are just starting out? Why would they want […]
Attract More Clients
What to Look for in a Joint Venture Partner
Joint ventures are one of the fastest ways to build your list and your business. But there is a lot of mystery and confusion surrounding joint ventures. What’s the difference between a joint venture and an affiliate? How do you do a joint venture? How do you find joint venture partners? Who would be a […]
Find Your Unique Value and Let it Shine
If you’ve been marketing yourself online for any period of time, then you can probably relate to this. Sometimes I feel as though I’m back in high school. Think about it for a minute. There are the cool kids (the ones who are always promoting one another). There are the nerds who do their own […]
Are you a good role model for your clients?
The other day someone, let’s call her Sandra, told me about a coaching program she was considering investing in to help grow her coaching business. She wanted my advice about whether this was a good fit for her. She told me that the coach spent 90 minutes with her on a free coaching call, and […]
6 Simple Tips to Communicate Your Unique Value
In this noisy, competitive environment it’s so important that you identify what makes you unique. What is it about your approach, perspective or even personality that allows you to shine? This can be hard to do by yourself because we often overlook the things that make us special. They come so naturally to us that […]
Program Launch – Lessons Learned from the Trenches
Last week I launched a new program. It’s called Niche in a Day. Pretty cool name, right? I first thought of the idea for Niche in a Day almost 2 years ago. In fact, I even bought the domain name then. It took me a while to get this program out, but I’m very glad […]
Your Core Message is the Heart of Your Brand
Your Message is the most important part of your business. I know that’s a bold statement but think about it. You can have the greatest programs or services in the world, but if you don’t know how to communicate your message, you’re dead in the water. Now there are different kinds of messages you want […]
What You Really Need to Get New Clients
What do you think are the two key things your prospective clients most care about when deciding if they want to work with you? They want to know two key things: 1. You can help them 2. You care about helping them You need both pieces in place. Today we’re going to focus on the first […]
How to Build Your List with Articles – 5 Essential Tips
Article marketing is a great way to help you build your list. It gives you free publicity and allows you to position yourself as an expert in your niche. Real quick – what is article marketing? It’s where you create your own unique content and submit it to different article marketing sites, such as EzineArticles. […]
10 Simple Tips to Deliver a Webinar that Rocks!
There are so many free webinars and teleseminars these days, and the reason is simple. They work! But if you want your webinar to get results, you have to know how to deliver a webinar that rocks! I recently did a webinar for which over 800 people registered, and over 60 people registered for the […]