Article marketing is a great way to help you build your list. It gives you free publicity and allows you to position yourself as an expert in your niche.
Real quick – what is article marketing? It’s where you create your own unique content and submit it to different article marketing sites, such as EzineArticles.
Here are five tips that will help you energize your article marketing, driving more people to your site and positioning you as someone people want to do business with.
1. Use powerful titles. No matter how great article might be, if your title doesn’t grab people’s attention, then it won’t get read. So learn how to create a compelling title that is benefit-focused, thought-provoking, and intriguing. The title must also be keyword-rich so your articles rank well with the search engines.
“On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.” -David Ogilvy
2. Provide Valuable Content. The purpose of writing your article is to provide valuable information so that you gain trust and establish yourself as a solutions provider. Learn how to write effectively with the needs of your target market in mind. Make sure your article is well-written, concise, typo-free, and above all, informative.
3. Submit Your Article to More Than One Site. You may be writing some great articles, but have you thought about how much more traffic you can generate if you submit your article at various sites? There are some great article submission sites that are free and can help you increase traffic. Google “free article submission sites” and you’ll find a wide range of possibilities.
4. Write a Great Resource or Author’s Box. Once people have read through your article, if they like it they will read the information about the author. Make sure you provide a short bio as well ascontact information (email, website, telephone number). Include a powerful call to action to send people to your opt-in page and get your giveaway. If you don’t have an opt-in page or giveaway, you absolutely need to do that!
5. Measure Your Results. Visit the sites where you post your articles to determine your open and conversion rate. If your open rate is not very good, then work on improving your article titles. If people are reading your articles but not clicking on the author box, then you might need to improve the content of your articles, shorten the length, or make your articles more focused on the needs of your target market.
What are your favorite article marketing sites? Questions, comments – please share below. Thanks!
Hi Cindy, I am in the 30 Day Ultimate Blog Challenge and look forward to using these articles I’ve been writing to post on other sites.
Thank you for the tips- you are so right about having an engaging headline!
Thanks Nancy! Yes, all of us participants in the UBC will have a ton of content to repurpose in so many ways!
I struggle so much with titles. I usually write my article, slap a lame title on it, and then let it fester in my brain for a day or two, hoping it’ll get better! Thanks for these concrete suggestions! I’ll try to remember this line in particular: “When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.” -David Ogilvy
Hey Amy – with a website name like I don’t think you’ll have any problems coming up with creative headlines! I’m intrigued and am going to check out your site. Thanks for stopping by and sharing!
I enjoyed your post! I thought you should only submit an article to one site…so that’s new information! I will be back to explore your site more! P.S. I really like your twitter bird! LOL
Thank you Jean! You can submit it to more than one site, although it is generally best to “spin” it a bit so it’s not an exact duplicate. There are article submission sites that will actually do this for you.
warm wishes,
p.s. I love that twitter bird too. He always makes me smile inside:)
Cindy, SUPER article. I have always wanted to write and this blog challenge is my first attempt ever at writing. I am truly enjoying developing my skills and meeting incredible people such as yourself with so many great things to share. I definitely can use this article and will! I appreciate your sharing and impacting the world!
Thank you so much Jeff! I’m glad you found this helpful and congratulations on doing the blog challenge. I look forward to reading your work too!
warm wishes,