In order to get new life coaching clients, you need to show your potential clients that you CARE about helping them and CAN help them.
And one of the best ways to do that is to add real value for people in your marketing.
If you haven’t heard the term “education-based marketing”, let me explain. It’s all about teaching people through your marketing. When you do that, you build a relationship of trust.
Many people who teach education-based marketing say to focus on the “what” vs. the “how”. I don’t know about you, but that feels like a bit of a bait and switch move.
So how do you add value while, at the same time, inspiring people to work with you?
1. Follow the WWE approach
One way to add value without giving it all away is to follow the WWE approach – What, Why, and Example.
WHAT – Show your potential clients what they need to do to solve their problems and reach their goals.
WHY – Explain why they need to do that. If you only give people the “what” without the “why”, how can they trust you really understand what you’re talking about? How do they know it even makes sense. So give people the “why” behind the “what”.
EXAMPLE – Use a story or case study to bring the “what” to life. Show them how things work in real life. You can use a case study featuring one of your clients, or even your own story.
This makes the lesson easier to understand and remember (people connect to and remember stories more than teaching). Sharing case studies also builds your social proof and credibility.
Let’s see how WWE works in action.
If I tell you that having a clear message is an important part of creating an Authentic Brand that captivates your dream clients – that’s a WHAT.
WHY is that important? Because marketing is all about sharing your message with the right people so they’re inspired to take action. So if you don’t know what your message is, your marketing won’t work.
What about EXAMPLES and case studies? I have them up the ying yang and share many in my teachings.
Like my client, Mary. Mary did a VIP day with me where we banged out her messaging. Here’s what she said after…
“Cindy is smart, intuitive, and super-fun to work with. She has one of those minds that can see right to the heart of a thing. No wonder part of her genius is helping people to craft a powerful core message. Thanks to her I have one. Without her, I’d still be waking at three in the morning with a spinning mind, a swarm of ideas, and no coherent way of bringing it all together.” ~ Mary Reynolds Thompson, founder of Write the Damn Book
Now it’s your turn. Think about how you can get new coaching clients through the WWE approach.
2. Create Your Key Messages
Whenever you speak — whether it’s webinar, podcast, interview, etc. — you want to add tremendous value for your audience.
At the same time, you don’t want to overwhelm them with too much information. You want to leave a memorable impression in the hearts and minds of your audience, and make your message “stick”.
And if you want to get new coaching clients, you want to strategically position the action you want people to take — whether that’s to sign up for your program, get on your email list, or schedule a consultation.
So how do you do all that?
By creating your Key Messages. Your Key Messages are the speaking points you share whenever you speak. Each one is a memorable sound bite.
I recommend having 3 Key Messages that form the heart of your speaking.
When you use your 3 Key Messages for speaking, your message is sticky, meaning it’s not only heard but remembered. You’ll be able to stay on message and get your main points across.
Your Key Messages should also create a natural positioning and desire for your call to action. So whenever people hear you speak, they’ll be inspired to take that next step. Whether it’s to join your program or apply for a consultation.
3. Give It Your All
It’s clear by now that we need to add value with our marketing. And we want to add real value. Not just give people a taste and then tell them they need to pay us for the really good stuff.
You want to know the easiest and most powerful way to add real value while inspiring people to work with you?
Give the very best of yourself, and detach yourself from the outcome.
When you share truly valuable information in your marketing, the right people will raise their hands to get your help implementing what you’ve taught them.
Think about it this way.
Information is everywhere, and it’s free. So what people really value is someone who can simplify and streamline that information into a workable system that delivers results.
I call that system your Client Journey. That’s the journey you take with your clients, and the results they get at each step.
That’s what you want to share in your marketing.
Your ideal clients will realize that they’ll be way better off getting your help implementing that system than if they were to try and do it all on their own.
Why? Because you’re the creator of that Client Journey. You’ve implemented it for yourself and with your clients. So you’re the expert who can best support them on that journey.
Also, your ideal clients are smart, and they know that even the best Client Journey isn’t a cookie-cutter system. They need to tailor it to them, and they would be much better off getting your help in doing that.
Want to learn more about how to create a Client Journey and attract more clients? Click here to watch this free training on how to create a coaching offer that sells itself.
Love this: Many people who teach education based marketing say you should teach the “what” but not the “how”. I don’t know about you, but that feels like a bit of a rip-off. Kind of bait and switch.
And LOVE this “If you only give people the “what” without the “why”, how can they trust you really understand what you’re talking about?”. People keep talking about the why, and – as improtant as it is, for example in any kind of self development – it’s almost always conveyed the exact same way; so, even if the concept is extremely important, because it’s pure repetition it goes in one ear and out the other. This was completely new, and that’s awesome. I love the credibility-angle to it… and coaches of all kinds talk way too little about that. Like, what steps do we take to BECOME credible, not fake it. And, also, what are simple ways to convey that credibility, and you provided a brilliant one here.
Thank you Simon! I appreciate you sharing that. I’ve found that if people only share the “what” and don’t know the “why”, chances are they’re just repeating something they’ve heard. When you understand and can explain the strategic thinking behind an action, then it’s clear you know what you’re talking about.