Recently, I was invited to speak about marketing at a live event. The host of the event asked me a question that surprised me. He asked me, do you like marketing.
In that moment I checked in with my gut and the answer was clear. Yes, I really do like marketing because it allows you to be creative and connect with the people you’re here to help.
It also hit me in that moment that so many people don’t like marketing and why that is.
I realized that it’s because they don’t like how other people market to them. As you know, there’s a lot of manipulation and hype out there.
As an entrepreneur marketing yourself you don’t have to do it that way. There is a way to do marketing that feels good and gets results.
I call it Marketing with Heart vs. Hype.
Marketing with Heart taps into your strengths, confidence and passions. Marketing with Hype comes from a place of fear, intimidation and scarcity.
There are 3 key ingredients to Marketing with Heart vs. Hype.
1. Honor Your Value
In traditional, hype based marketing, we’re told to choose a target market and figure out what they want.
There’s no doubt that it’s important to understand your target market and know what they want. But here’s the thing. You come to your business with a wealth of skills, experiences and passions. And you owe it to yourself to honor those things in your business.
If your whole focus is outside yourself – on your target market — what happens is that you undervalue all the wisdom and experience you bring into your business. And you also end up not doing the work you’re most passionate about.
Marketing with Heart honors you and the value you bring to your business.
There’s another important element of honoring your value. And that’s to package your expertise in what I call your Client Journey.
Think of your Client Journey as the journey you take with your clients, and the results they get at each step.
When you package your expertise in your own Client Journey, you go from selling your time to selling results. I’ve had clients double their prices as a direct result of creating their Client Journey.
Your Client Journey is also the key to earning multiple streams of income because you can package it in different ways, at different price points, and with different levels of access to you.
So to summarize, honoring your value means choosing a niche that leverages your skills, passions and experiences. And it means creating a Client Journey that allows you to package your expertise vs. selling your time.
2. Honor Your Vision
Have you noticed that everywhere you turn there’s the latest and greatest marketing tactic. Do FB ads, do webinars, do joint ventures, use LinkedIn, do videos, do FB live. It’s enough to make you pull your hair out.
Here’s the thing. Traditional, hype based marketing is all about chasing after bright, shiny objects.
When you buy into that, you end up scattered, spinning in a million different directions.
It’s not that these tactics don’t work, but for many people they’re either premature or overly complicated.
Because here’s the thing. Tactics don’t work unless they’re based on sound strategy. If you chase after bright shiny objects and implement tactics without strategy, you’re getting fooled into shortcuts that don’t work.
Marketing with Heart honors your vision. The vision of who you are, and what you want to create in your business.
With that vision you can create tailored marketing strategies that get you results without chasing after bright, shiny objects.
You’re unique and so is your business So you need to choose the best marketing strategies that work for you.
How do you do that?
By keeping things simple.
First of all, focus on what’s most aligned with your unique strengths. Love to speak? Do webinars, podcasts, summits, Facebook Lives, speak on stage, etc.
Also make sure your marketing is focused on your ideal clients and where they hang out.
You also keep things simple by not taking on too many marketing strategies at once. Personally I use just 2-3 marketing strategies to grow my business.
For each one, my goal is to add real value and build a relationship of trust. So marketing becomes easier and more natural.
3. Honor your voice
With traditional, hype based marketing we’re taught to figure out what people want and then tell them what they want to hear.
When you do that, you end up sounding like everyone else who markets to the same group of people. You blend into the crowd and sound insincere.
So how can you avoid this?
I totally agree that you have to research your ideal clients and speak directly to them. But when you market with heart, you understand it’s not just about saying what they want to hear. You need to speak your truth as well. You need to honor your voice.
How exactly do you do that?
By communicating from your head and your heart. Let me explain…
Have you ever heard the expression, people buy with emotion and justify with logic?
So to be effective your message has to connect with the hearts and minds of your ideal clients. And in order for you to do that, you have to put your heart and mind in your message.
When you communicate from your heart and your mind, you attract more of your dream clients… Those who don’t just value what you do but who you are.
Marketing with Heart
When you put it all together, Marketing with Heart is all about using solid strategies that honor you and your prospective clients.
When you do that, you’re bringing the best of yourself to your business, and who knows… you may even start liking marketing.
Want to simplify your marketing and grow your business by Marketing with Heart vs. Hype?
Schedule a Marketing with Heart Discovery Session
Here’s what we’ll do together:
- Clarify your goals and identify the gaps that are getting in the way of your marketing results
- Create an action plan that will allow you to attract more clients and earn more income.
- Explore how I can best support you with your business.
As soon as you schedule your call, you’ll get a Bonus Quiz to help you pinpoint how you’re doing with the biggest roadblocks that slow down most coaches.
We’ll review your quiz results together on our call.
I look forward to speaking with you soon!
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