I had a call with this wonderful lady the other day. She graduated from coaching school over a year ago and has been struggling ever since with finding her coaching niche.
She decided that she was going to become a life coach and help people who are going through a transition in life. Sound familiar?
Many people think that life coaching niche or transition coaching is a niche. It’s not. Nor is relationship coaching or even business coaching. Those are broad areas and if you really want to attract clients, referrals, and joint venture partners you need to drill down further.
When people know exactly WHO you work with and WHAT solution you provide, it’s easier for them to say YES to working with you!
That’s what a coaching niche is — a combination of your WHO and WHAT. And the clearer you are about both those things, the easier your marketing will become.
Exactly how specific do you want to be?
Here’s an important tip for you…
If your WHAT is broad, make your WHO very specific. Conversely, if your WHO is broad, make your WHAT very specific.
Let me give you an example. Say you’re a life coach. Because approaches to life needs are so diverse, you’re in a perfect position to carve out a sub-niche that speaks specifically to your ideal client and their needs.
So you can drill down to the kinds of solutions you provide. For instance, for your life coaching niche you can focus on relationship, career, or holistic wellness.
Or say, you are a health coach, you can even drill down to get more specific about who you help. You might choose to focus on people with specific health issues such as diabetes or heart disease. Or you could focus on yo-yo dieters, boomer women, or athletes.
When you put these 2 pieces together – your WHAT and your WHO – you have a clear coaching niche that makes marketing so much easier.
Now you can create a website that is aimed directly at your ideal clients, that speaks to their challenges and desires, using their “language”. You can create programs that are tailored to what they’re looking for. You can get more referrals because it’s clear who you help and what you help them with.
When you focus on one group of people and the problem that you solve for them, you can create marketing that’s aimed directly at them and solves their biggest challenge.
And in doing so, your ideal clients will get really excited about working with you because they can clearly see that you “get them” and can help them.
Want to discover your perfect coaching niche and start attracting more of your dream clients?
That’s great advice Cindy. I know when I used to go to networking meetings and say ‘I’m a business coach’ – it was a bit of a conversation killer. Now that I’m clear on my niche it really helps to open up conversations.
Congratulations Susan! You are not only clear about your niche, you are clear about the unique value you bring to the table. You help entrepreneurs set priorities and get their big ideas done! We all need help with that and you have such a great system to help them do that. Thanks for all that you do!
Cindy, So Awesome to chat with you today, once again I can’t tell how impressed I was when I got your “Discover Your Ideal Niche” Program & you called to personally thank me. I am in the Marketing World & have worked with some pretty amazing people in my journey of building my business & that of many others & that was out standing service. We all need to take a page from how you handle customer service.
Well done, The Piester
Thank you so much Laura! It was great to speak with you too. I know that you work with some pretty high level people, helping them create valuable connections and get more exposure – so coming from you, that is a very high compliment indeed:) You are wonderful at what you do!