As a creative entrepreneur, I have no doubt that you have a gazillion ideas spinning through your head. Some small, some big – but they all occupy precious space in your mind.
Let’s talk about a specific idea. The big one that you keep coming back to. You haven’t gotten it out into the world yet because you haven’t quite put all the pieces together. You know the one I’m talking about, right?
So how do you get your idea from spinning through your mind out into the world?
It’s easy. Just share it.
Now before your perfectionism creeps up and knocks that to the ground, let me explain.
It’s totally okay to share your idea before it’s fully formed. Because as you share it, it will get clearer and clearer.
And I’m not just talking about sharing it with your friend or even your coach. I’m talking about sharing it with your audience.
Let me give you an example.
For a while now, I’ve had this big idea bubbling through my head. I could taste it and feel it, but didn’t quite know how to explain it. And I didn’t know if it would hit home with people.
So when I was invited to speak to a small group of entrepreneurs, I tested it out on them. They seemed to really like it, and as I shared it, I could see which parts hit home and which parts were a little off.
So I took it up a level and shared it with a bigger group of people — in my private Facebook Group, Find Your Marketing WOW. It’s a free community so if you haven’t joined us yet, come on in!
This time it really hit home and I knew my idea had legs. So I shared it with my coach, and some colleagues. With their feedback, I was able to refine my idea. I shared bits of it again at another speaking event. I could see how my message was connecting.
But something was still off. There was one piece of the puzzle that wasn’t fitting into place. I kept trying to squeeze it in, but it just wouldn’t budge.
And that’s when I realized the missing piece. It was all about the call to action I was inviting people to take. I had the wrong one.
I tweaked it and could feel the intuitive hit that all the pieces were in place.
It’s been an iterative journey and I’m finally ready to share my idea in a big, bold way. So stay tuned!
But let me tell you this. If I hadn’t taken that first step of sharing my idea that first time, and then again, and again… it would still be stuck in my head. And that’s a terrible way for an idea to die.
So let me hear from you. Use this as your platform to start sharing your idea. And when you do, not only will you get closer to getting your idea out into the world, I’ll also share my personal feedback.
Go ahead and share in the comments below. The stage is yours!
I am so grateful for this post. It uplifted my spirit. My head has been spinning with a big …huge idea and today I felt like I just needed a push in the right direction. Thank you!
Yeah Adele! I look forward to hearing more about it. Have you joined our free group yet? That’s a great way to stay in touch. Thanks!
My idea is about informing people about what motivation is; how it can be harnessed; how it it always positive, etc. I would love to forward a pamphlet about this to people and, later, coach them since they would then understand a lot more.
Hi Barry. Thanks for sharing. A few thoughts to help focus your efforts. First be clear about who those people are (your ideal client) so you speak directly to him/her. Along those lines what goals do they have? What will their motivation help them achieve? I understand your skills can help everyone but the more clearly focused you are the easier and more effective your marketing will be.
Second, I love the idea of creating educational material to share. You can make that available on your website in exchange for their email so you can grow your mailing list and create a community of people who want to learn from you.
Cindy, I *really* liked how you explained “how to share your and refine your idea”….I’ve heard the “share your idea” line before to test an idea and get feedback…but NO ONE ever explained what that looked liked. You Rock!!!!
I’m pretty much 50/50 in the logical / creative brain area… that means I often need detailed explanation on concepts that are new to me.
You are the only one that I’ve found that even *bothers* to try and explain how and why to do things…every other webinar/seminar I’ve gone to assumes you know or wants you to buy their services for the “answer”. But if you won’t give me a simple answer, why would I spend money in hopes that you eventually *would* give me the answer?
Anyway, a huge thanks for being so honest and helpful and patient and wonderful and everything!
Chris, you’re just the sweetest. I’ve got one of those questioning minds and I always want to know the “why” behind a suggestion. Because here’s the thing. There’s no point in doing the “how” if the “why” doesn’t make sense. Thank you for taking the time to comment and for your kind words 🙂
“There’s no point in doing the ‘how’ if the ‘why’ doesn’t make sense.”
If I understand the ‘why’ and how it ties into the how / what, everything makes more sense and is easier to do!
You are so brilliant!
And you are so sweet. Thanks for sharing Chris. I appreciate you and am glad it makes sense. Hugs
Cindy this sentence is magic! “There’s no point in doing the “how” if the “why” doesn’t make sense.” When I help my coaching clients with their goals, we spend as much time on the “why”, as on setting the goal.
Thanks Wendy! Such a great point. Understanding the why applies to do many other areas of life, not just marketing.
Start with Why by Simon Sinek brings this point right home. I am committed that babies be born into families where love is alive and there is a commitment for parents to stay together, …and I want to empower that relationship from pregnancy, through birth & beyond. I have so many ideas and ways to do that. My why is clear, because I want families to work, and I’m still researching why my pregnant couples or young parents, or even parents of teenagers would want what I have to offer, which is way more than just relationship coaching. I see myself as helping couples craft a unique container to first receive there baby and then to nourish and grow their family. It is a beautiful customize vessel filled with love and it sparkles and shines as it continues to grow and fill. I do share my commitment, and I am stopped by the client path and the client needs and wants.