Your niche strategy is the foundation for your business success, and in some ways it’s very simple.
What is the value you deliver? How can people benefit from working with you?
You need to shift your focus from pursuing leads and clients to creating value. And when you know what value you provide and for whom, then you can find your niche.
Some solo entrepreneurs think of their niche as a group of people that they target. But it’s really not. There’s a piece missing. It’s the group of people you target (WHO) plus the solution you provide (WHAT).
Remember that whether you’re a coach, consultant, trainer or other solo professional, what you’re really selling is a solution. And above all, you’re selling an outcome or a result.
For example, if you’re a time management coach, you’re not selling coaching services. You’re selling reduced stress, work-life balance, more free time to be with family or travel.
So what kind of solutions do you provide? What value do you offer? Who do you serve? If you don’t have these answers yet, then your first step is finding your niche strategy. To help you do that, check out my popular home study program — Dominate Your Niche with a Personal Brand that Sells You.
Great reminder, Cindy. Too often marketers think in terms of features and not the benefits. Without knowing just what your targeted audience wants, there’s no real target at all. Nobody wants to buy our product, they just want the solution or opportunity it represents. Knowing how to match their sought benefit with our available solution is the match made in business heaven!
enjoy the day,
.-= Andrea Feinberg´s last blog ..5 Unexpected- Critical Ways You Could be Limiting Your Business Success =-.
Thank you Andrea! Very well said. That’s why I help my clients focus on their Problem-Solution statement to really clarify the solution they provide and the outcomes they help their clients achieve.
I help ______ (target market) do _________ (solution you provide) so they can _______ (outcome)