When it comes to finding your niche, there are two approaches you can take. You can start with your “who” (target market) or your “what” (what solution you provide for your target market). In other words, you can start by looking outside yourself or you can start with YOU and what you uniquely have to offer.
One thing that distinguishes my niche marketing approach from some others is that I strongly advocate starting with YOU.
The other day a new client shared that she is confused as to why she is so important in finding her niche. She said:
“I still have trouble understanding why “I” am so important in the mix. My feeling is that the market wants help and wants to hear “what can be done to help them” with their goals, and not so much about the entrepreneur offering the help.
Couldn’t I just find a good niche and create great help and content? The market and niche seem to be the keys, not so much “me”, as long as it is something I am interested in and have enough passion to pursue long term. Help :)”
It’s a great question, and here is my perspective on it.
You can find a good niche based on what the market wants. But here is why you need to really put yourself into the equation.
1. YOU are the brand.
As a service based solopreneur, what you’re really marketing is yourself.
You have to sell yourself before you can even think about selling your services. People want someone they feel they know, and who is genuinely interested in them. Most importantly, they want someone who can help them find a solution to their needs. That means you also have to sell your ability to help them get what they want. How do you do this? You do it by providing information that is of value to your target market. Educate them, don’t sell them. And in doing so, you’re building trust and attracting them to you.
3. In order to attract your target market, you have to be able to relate to them — to their needs, concerns, challenges, goals and frustrations. You have to be able to make an emotional connection with them. Remember that people buy based on emotions and justify with logic.
4. In marketing to your niche, you are going to be providing a lot of content and information relevant to that niche. Can you imagine spending a lot of time marketing something you’re not passionate about? How authentic do you think you will be if you can’t relate to your niche and don’t have real knowledge of that niche? To market yourself authentically, you have to be able to genuinely connect with your niche and have something valuable to contribute to it.
What is your perspective on this question? Please share your thoughts and comments below. Use this opportunity to also share your niche and what you do:)
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I agree with what Cindy says. I heard a definition last week that our niche is doing something that we find easy to do – the lady who said that is such an amazing office and paper organiser that people told her that they could never do what she does… To market ourselves authentically and to provide value and education, we really do need to enjoy it so much that it is something that we never dread doing – sometimes it might be challenging but the challenge can be enjoyable.
Helen, that’s such a great criteria for finding your niche. And the truth is that your enjoyment of what you do shines through and is like a light that attracts others to you. Thanks for sharing!
I have never understood the lingo on niche. I started with me and my niche if that is what you call it is helping people find the real person that they are. It is the starting point and you go from there.
I just love this topic,about a niche,never undestand this thing “niche”,but I always like to help others in everything they may be needing at a time,and if you are sincere and really care for others people will see it,and will be attracted to you, and eventually what you have to share,br it a product or a service,etc…great post.Ivan.
Hi Ivan,
Thanks for your feedback. You raise a good point about being sincere and authentic. That’s why I help my clients find a niche they can be passionate about and a target market they truly enjoy working with and want to help.
Thanks and warm wishes,
Hi Cindy,
This is a great post.I agree with you.
If you put you and your passion first, it’s like an attraction magnet.People are far more attracted to someone with a passion. Passion is energy and people are attracted to that energy.They naturally want to be a part of that.
Hello Cindy,
Love this post! It’s such an important subject, esp for solo entrepreneurs as you say!
That point about relating to your customers by having an emotional connection… having compassion is definitely a big key…. having “in common… passion!”
Thanks Cindy, have a lovely day!
.-= Janice Sangha Mitra´s last blog ..Conscious Parenting: Empowering our Children =-.
Many thanks Janice. If we can relate to our target market and be our true, authentic selves, then that really comes across in our marketing and in all that we do.
warm wishes,
Hi Cindy, great post & totally agree with what you say. YOU are the brand, people have to get to know, like & trust YOU.
If YOU learn to be a friend first & are relateable people can be drawn to you & your Niche. You give of your self and help them understand through education & not selling to them.
As we are all of different personalities, this also goes a long way to connecting with some one when you get to know what their pesonality style is.
I recently asked Ann Sieg that question about passion and niche. She responded YES BUT i.e. yes, it is important that you have a passion but you also have to research the viability of that subject if you want to make money with it.
Absolutely Jan. Marketing doesn’t exist in a bubble. It’s all about meeting the needs of our target market. But to really dominate your niche, you have to be passionate about it, or you won’t have the interest to develop your expertise, and build a consistent, powerful brand in that niche. By the way, how cool that you got to interview Ann Sieg. She’s one smart lady, and a great marketer. Thanks for sharing!
Great article. I coach on Authentic Vocation(TM) – career coaching. If one doesn’t know oneself well (client and coach), then there is no point. You have to be passionate about what you do or you won’t be consistently good at doing it. 🙂
Michael Trust, MPA, SPHR-CA, CCC, CECC
.-= Michael Trust´s last blog ..Great Article for Those Entering the Workforce =-.
Thank you Michael – well said! When you love what you do, everyone benefits — you, your family, and your clients. Thanks for sharing.
I agree with Cindy. I tried with another coach’s advice to pick any target market on the bases on you will learn to love the market and any market that are seekers is a good market. That did not work with me. I have to love the market and be a part of that market in someway. I finally found one that work for me.
Exactly Mary and congratulations! I really think you need to dig deep to look at, not just what is a profitable niche, but what is the right niche for you. People aren’t just buying your solution, they’re buying you. And they have to know that you care about helping them. You’ve heard the expression, “people don’t care about how much you know until they know how much you care”. Well, they need to know that you can help and you’re passionate about helping them. Thanks for sharing!
You only can educate sombody else , when you educate yourself on a niche you are passionate about.
With a website , on the phone,… you name it…
( sorry for my bad englisch ) 🙂
Your English is perfect – thank you Nico!
When extending ourselves in the world at all, I always try to remember that through whatever initiative I am doing, I will learn about myself through doing the work, and through the responses I get from others in doing my work.
In these chaotic, intense and often stressful times, what people may not immediately be connected to about us, may very well be something that they feel community with at a later time. This could serve them in ways we will never know. And, if they do reconnect to “who we are” from our work and presentations, they may bring gifts of community and offerings that we haven’t counted on, nor seen coming.
So, living out of our own Passions, seeking out the “niche” that serves those Passions, and acting out of them in offering our services is not just about Selling, or about “finding a Niche”.
It’s about doing what we feel we are meant to do, and finding the universe gives back to us if that our work is out of the very focus of our deepest intentions.
Best to all your endeavors!
That is beautifully said Mary. Than you for sharing that. You raise such an interesting point which I’ve seen in practice through my TALI group. It’s a membership program I run that provides training and support, and one of the best parts of the program has turned out to be the community. The members bring incredible gifts which benefits the whole group – gifts of their insight, talents and support. I feel incredibly lucky to have brought these people together, and it’s, as you said, a gift I hadn’t counted on but am very grateful for.