As I look back on the journey I’ve been on in my business, I’ve realized that there were 2 main turning points that allowed me to go from stuck to profitable — and to even more profitable with less work.
I’m not saying take this magic pill and all your problems will be solved. And I’m not saying there’s a big secret to earning more and working less. That’s a bunch of *(^*(! (forgive my French:)
What I am saying is that there are 2 key turning points I experienced in my business that completely transformed my results. And I want to share them with you here because I know they will help you as well.
Please leave your insights, aha’s, questions and thoughts below. Thank you!
p.s. If you’re curious, click here to learn more about the Training + Action + Support program I mentioned in the video to help you take more targeted action and earn more leveraged income. Thanks!
This video is SO valuable. So many coaches emphasize action and accountability … and skip the strategy part. Without a clear understanding of your core message, you can’t create marketing materials – even if you hire an awesome copywriter!
Thank you Cathy! That is extremely valuable coming from you – a first class copywriter who gets strategic positioning! I appreciate you sharing.