Last week I did my first real “launch”. I was pretty nervous about it because there were a lot of pieces to put together. But all got done in time thanks to the help of some amazing people.
What made me the happiest was, not the sales (although that was nice too:), but the feedback I got about my free preview webinar. We’ve all been to a million of these webinars. In some cases, the content is pure fluff and it’s a poorly disguised sales pitch. In other cases, there is truly valuable content. I’m proud to say mine falls into the latter category.
I wasn’t sure how effective I would be when it came to the sales part of the webinar, however. I’m not a hypey, in your face kind of person. In fact, as my clients tell me, my brand is all about strategic focus, integrity and value. That feels really good but how does it translate in a sales situation?
To be honest, I don’t know. I did get great feedback. Here is what a few people who attended had to say:
“Thanks Cindy… Nice and clear explanation and good value in the info.”
“Very coo! Thanking God he brought me to you!”
“Thanx Cindy, you are absolutely amazing and down to earth, You come across down to earth and genuine. ”
“I honestly thought this was one of the BEST launch teleconferences I’ve ever attended… So, you-being-you, in integrity and honesty and with credibility lit my path before me. I now see how it can be done and I am looking forward to the Inner Circle and the Bootcamp to show me how I can do it for me/my business.”
It’s hard to say if you would have had more sales if you were more “rah rah”. It could’ve had worked in reverse (the “rah rah” style could have work against you or for you) But, I do understand your position. It’s always hard to stay away from the “what if’s”. Personally, I appreciate a down to earth style approach in your webinar.
Hi Cindy – thanks for the webinar!
I agree with Laticia – if a “rah rah” style would get more sales or not is hard to say – but I in my opinion you did a great webinar, with an approach I prefer – giving clear, concise and valuable content without all the “hype” that too many other online marketers are using.
Hi Cindy,
While agreeing with Laticia and Cindy – that it’s hard to know for sure, I also want to add that I think that perhaps you may not have been appealing and compelling to your ideal client had you gone with the rah-rah and/or trigger confusion and fear style. From my perspective, that’s simply not congruent with your brand and reputation. Your offer was incredibly compelling while wrapped around your enlightening and educational insight which highlighted its benefit. Laid back, straight forward and to the point, just the way I prefer.
Thank you all for your feedback. So what I’m taking away is to just be yourself and all is good. A very good reminder. I’m super excited about what I do and about how this program will help people. I want to make sure my enthusiasm comes across without crossing the line to the rah-rah stuff that just isn’t me. The fact that you took the time to share your thoughts means a lot to me. Thanks for all your support here and all the awesome emails I’ve received from people who listened to the webinar. I really appreciate you!