As business owners we’re often looking for that golden idea that’s going to transform our business. And while I so admire the creativity of entrepreneurs, often that golden idea is right within our grasp. But we just don’t see it.
We’re often too close to our business to see what’s right in front of us. Trust me, I’m counting myself in this as well.
So I thought it would be helpful to identify some examples of those golden treasures that are within our reach.
As you review this list, I want you to honestly ask yourself which items are true for you. Then use the comment space below to share which golden ideas you’re going to take action on. And please share any other golden treasures to add to the list.
1. A highly focused niche, namely being crystal clear about who you help and what solution you provide. This is one of the toughest ones because we often can’t see what we’re so great at and have a hard time committing to a niche because of all sorts of fears. Trust me, I’ve been helping entrepreneurs with this for the past 4 years and it’s a big one because when you refine your niche, a world of opportunity opens up for you.
2. A powerful and authentic message. I meet so many entrepreneurs who are absolutely brilliant at what they do, but stumble when asked to explain it so that others understand not only what they do, but what makes them unique. This is one of my favorite things to help my clients do. I just love it because it’s my greatest gift and I’ve seen the transformation that happens when you are clear about how to share your message. With clarity comes confidence and clients.
3. An easy and profitable way to package your services. I see so many talented and experienced coaches who continue to sell their time versus a package of their services that has clear steps and outcomes. As a result, they are constantly chasing after clients and have unreliable income. I can tell you story after story (of myself included) where fixing this one golden opportunity brought in many thousands of dollars in just weeks.
4. A clear way to package your solution and move beyond one-on-one services. Everyone loves the idea of earning leveraged and passive income. The problem is that so many entrepreneurs struggle to package their solution in a clear, logical way that generates ongoing sales. This is a huge, golden opportunity and it isn’t as hard as you think when you understand how to package what you already do with your private clients in a way they want to consume it.
5. A streamlined system to follow up with clients and prospects. We work so hard to get people on our list and get clients. But too often we drop the ball when it comes to building and maintaining relationships with those people. This is a huge golden opportunity when you think about the amount of effort it takes to follow up vs. starting from scratch.
6. A win-win approach to joint venture partnerships. Creating profitable joint venture partnerships is one of the fastest and easiest ways to build your list and your business. Too often we spend time connecting with people (on social media, at events, etc.) but then don’t take the next step of building an ongoing relationship of mutual support.
Now it’s your turn. Which of these golden opportunities can you relate to? Which ones are you ready to address in your own business? What other golden opportunities do we miss in our businesses?
Please share your comments below. Thank you!!
I think you’re dead-to-rights about this! I think there’s another reason that an awful lot of people don’t want to clarify who their ideal client is.
The people I work with are somatic practitioners who have too few — or plenty of wrong — clients, and generally they’ve been trained to work with everyone. So the challenge they have to to overcome is that they don’t HAVE to work with everyone — and the fear that defining their ideal client and gateway problem will make them poor, bored or less capable overall as practitioners.
It really is a big thing for them, because they often feel like they’re failing if they don’t find a way to work with people they don’t like and with people who can’t pay them — and with people who don’t get better. For them to begin to really grok that narrowing things down will get them more clients — and that they’ll be clients who give them energy and a real sense that they are helping — is a huge step.
This is one of the reasons that the work you do is so very important — and why every time I think of you, I see Rosie the Riveter!! Because with your incredible help, We CAN do it!!
Thank you so much Allison! I’ve written quite a bit about fears surrounding choosing a niche. Here’s a blog post you can share with them if it helps. I appreciate you!
Thanks for the reference, Cindy! It will be in tomorrow’s social media posts! We all need to hear that it’s time to let go of the fear, as often as we anybody will tell us!
Wonderful – thank you Allison! Once people understand the benefits of a clear niche, and have a clear system on how to choose or refine a niche, those fears really do go away.
warm wishes,