If you have a blog, then congratulations! The next step is to fill it with valuable content that benefits your target market. How do you know what kind of content to create?
Here’s the thing. If you’re really clear about your target market, and understand their needs and your solutions, then creating content is much easier. You’ll know what kind of challenges your prospects and clients face. And you’ll know what kind of solutions you can offer to help them overcome those challenges.
If you don’t know what kind of challenges your target market faces, here are 4 simple ways to better understand your target market. Keep in mind that researching your target market is an ongoing process.
So once you understand your target market, how do you create content for your blog without getting overwhelmed? The wonderful Michele Scism, Founder of Decisive Minds, shares easy ways to create content for your blog.
What other ideas can you share about blogging? What has helped you create valuable content for your target market? Ultimately, your goal is to not just share information but to create a community. Encourage people to leave comments on your blog post by asking questions and inviting them to leave comments. Speaking of which, please share your comments below!
Thanks and warm wishes,
Great idea; I have used the idea of someone’s else’s video a few times and then provided a good introduction along with my own follow up comments, much like you have done above with Michele’s video.
Other sources: I enjoy various quotes on a single theme. It doesn’t take much to create a great original post, weaving in the quotes for spice. You just need, again, a keyword you are drawn to, which also is the basis for searching for quotes.
When you know your niche, you are often researching it. I have several related folders into which I can bookmark things I have found in the internet (news items, research studies, blog posts, whole websites) that fit my theme, target audience, or cluster of solutions. When I need a new post, I can go back to these items.In my case the folders all relate to different areas of collaboration, partnering, networking, tribes, etc.
Good topic!
Hi Richard – I love the idea of using quotes, and people seem to respond very well to quotes as well. Coming up with your own quotes is also fun and inspiring. I also love the idea of finding content ideas related to your niche and keeping them organized so you can easily tap into them and create new blog posts with ease. Thanks for your ideas and contributions Richard!