I’m reading a great book by Brendon Burchard called “The Millionaire Messenger”. I highly recommend it. In it, he shares how to succeed in the “expert industry”. I love how he focuses on the importance of mastering your topic and your target market as the two most important first steps. This reinforces so nicely what I teach which is the importance of mastering your “what” and your “who” (e.g. your niche) as the foundation for your business success.
One of the chapters in “The Millionaire Messenger” identifies the four key mindsets you must have to succeed in the expert industry. They are:
Mindset #1 – My life experience, message and voice are valuable
You have to believe that your message is valuable. As Brendon says “if you do not value your voice, who else will?”. But that belief isn’t based on arrogance. It is based on a sense of obligation. If you have learned something valuable in business or in life, then it’s your obligation to share it with others so they don’t have to suffer through the same challenges you did.
For me personally, I’m passionate about helping other solo professionals set a solid foundation for their marketing success. I spent over a year spinning my wheels because I didn’t have a clear niche, personal brand, marketing funnel and valuable giveaway. I’m on a mission to help other coaches, consultants, speakers, trainers and solo professionals create this foundation so they can avoid the frustrations I faced, get faster results, and do the work they’re truly meant to do.
Mindset #2 – If I don’t know it or have it, I will go learn it or create it
Building a business requires a lot of work and dedication. There are many points at which you could make excuses or just plain give up. To succeed, you have to be passionate enough about sharing your message that you will find the help and answers you need to overcome your challenges.
You can apply this principle to who you want to work with as your clients. If you meet someone who whines or makes excuses, chances are they won’t end up reaching their goals. To be the best you can be and love what you do, shouldn’t you choose to work with people who have the mindset for success?
Mindset #3 – I will not let my small business make me small-minded
As anyone who has started a small business knows, the first two years can be scary, exhausting and frustrating. In most cases, the results will come slower than you may like. You have to keep your vision top-of-mind, no matter how difficult your present circumstances might seem. As Brendon says, “don’t give up on your vision or play small just because you are starting out”.
We all have our own definition of success. Decide what you want to accomplish in the short-term and long-term. For me, I made a commitment to do 5 things this year:
1) double my list (which I have already done in the first 3 months of the year), 2) double my sales (which I’m on track to do), 3) enhance my brand (I’m working with a coach to help me with this – it’s so true that it’s hardest to do for yourself what you help others with so well:), 4) outsource more so I can focus on the activities that bring real results (I now have a great assistant and have outsourced some other projects), and 5) create new ways of delivering results for my clients. This allows me to serve my better serve my clients (with different ways of learning and different price points). What are your goals for the year and how are you doing at meeting them?
Mindset #4 – Student First, Teacher Second, Servant Always
Experts pride themselves on their ability to learn and synthesize good ideas that help people move forward with their lives or business. They consistently learn, read, and observe information relevant to their niche. Then they take that information, synthesize it, and make it their own by adding their own observations and insights. Kind of like I’m doing here.
Brendon suggests that if you have not: read at least 6 books in the past 6 months on your topic of expertise, interviewed at least 10 people on your topic this year, and scoured the Internet for information on your topic, then you are failing to be a student first. This is great advice.
If we are going to become experts in our niche, then we have to continuously learn and enhance our knowledge. If you’re at the point now of choosing your niche, then make sure you choose a topic that you’re so passionate about that you’ll love doing this research! If the thought of continuously studying your topic leaves you bored silly, then it’s probably not the right niche for you.
- What do you think of these four mindsets for success?
- Are there any you would like to add?
- How do you rate yourself on these four mindsets?
- What actions will you take to enhance your mindset for success?
For me personally, I am going to have more patience with myself in building my business (yes, I’m type A). I’m also going to devote more time to interview experts in my niche. I’ve been doing some great expert interviews and am dedicated to doing more, and bringing them to you as well!
I would love to see your comments and feedback. Remember that we’re all in this together. We are here to help one another succeed and creating a community of support is so important for that success.
Thanks and warm wishes,
Wonderful post, Cindy, and four great points!
“Student first” in mindset #4 is something that grabbed my attention immediately. Life itself is one enormous classroom, isn’t it? And I’m all for learning, however …
What happens to far too many entrepreneurs (like me) is that we get so caught up in the “education” mode that the business never gets off the ground or it takes ten times longer than necessary to get the ball rolling.
I believe you have to get to a point where you realize you’re “over-saturated” with information and wake up one fine day and proclaim …
“Enough of the learning — it’s time to start earning!”
Hi Melanie,
That is such a great point. Sometimes we get into intense study mode because we’re overwhelmed by all the info and are trying to sort through it all. Other times, we can get trapped into the world of study because it’s a safe place. It’s when we have to take what we learn and put it into action that things get a little scary. If we have a system that combines training with action and walks us through things step-by-step, then it makes everything easier. That’s the exact model I used for Your Clear Path to Ideal Clients. As I’ve learned, Training + Action = Success!
Love that concept, Cindy, and kudos to you!
Step-by-Step Training + My favorite word (Action!) = What we’re all shooting for ~~> Success 🙂
Hi Melanie,
Thank you! I love it!
warm wishes,
I think all 4 points are relevant. And I am doing most of those actions except interviewing experts. I don’t know who I could contact in my field because it is quite unique! I do expect my business to grow slowly and I am OK about that. Today I ordered another book in my area of interest – to learn what angle someone else has used on a similar subject – so yes, still learning, teaching and serving!
Hi Helen,
Thanks for sharing that. I love that you’re continuing to learn and share what you learn. In terms of interviewing others, can you find people who offer complementary solutions or who offer similar solutions but to a different target market? For instance, as your niche is walking tours in Auckland, can you interview someone who provides travel services in Auckland, or someone who does walking tours in another part of the country (or world for that matter)?
What do you think?
warm wishes,
Thanks for suggesting Brendon’s book to others. I have read it several times and have given copies to several clients and friends. It is so true that whatever is in our mindset (focus) determines our outcome and the essential steps of studying the data and then the action step equals core quality of life.
All the best.
Thank you Ameena! What a great idea to get that book for clients and friends. I have visited your site and you are definitely a committed learner and teacher.
warm wishes,
It’s important to move out of the student mode. I am guilty of staying in that safe place and I have come to realize that I know more than some of the people selling information on marketing. It’s good to have a student mindset, just don’t get stuck there. Implement what you’ve learned.
Woo hoo Tracey!! I love that. Kudos to you for getting out of that safe place, recognizing the value you have to share, and then getting out there and sharing it.
Any entrepreneurs who have attention difficulties or adhd absolutely must read Tracey’s blog. She has tremendous value to offer.
thanks and warm wishes,
Thanks for this great post, it has confirmed I am on the right tract in cultivating and developing this mindset. I truely believe Astrology is so valuable to others and I am in the process of learning how to market myself through it.
I can relate with your comments about feeling safe in the studying mode, I have a tendency to become stuck here because it’s safe and it feeds my mental body. I tell myself, it is no use just gathering all this knowledge, I need to learn to use it!! This I am doing slowly but surley.
Your post are always informative, so keep them coming!
Thank you Lucinda. It’s always wonderful to hear from you. And congratulations with sticking with your passion and sharing it with others. I appreciate you!
warm wishes,
He puts the points together. One of the things that struck me was your life story is valuable. it reminded me of a saying that stories sell facts only tell. I need to do much more reading and have been thinking of interviews which will be another learning curve for me. Thanks
Thank you Morris! That’s a great point. I’ve really enjoyed doing the interviews. If you want to check them out, they’re available at http://www.attractyourniche.com/expert-interviews. I’ll be doing more soon. If there is a topic you’re interested in, please leave a comment on that page.
warm wishes,
I’m reading this book right now too. You’ve given a very good overview of these mindsets. I still have much room for learning and using these fully. Thanks for the reminder,
Val 🙂
Thanks Val! It’s amazing how many people have been touched by this book. We all have much to learn from Brendon.
warm wishes,
Hi Cindy,
I’ve been running away from my passion for a while and instead of growing I’ve been paralyzed. This month, I finally resigned to the need of looking into what kind of niche I identify with, within my passion. That means going back into my life and business experience, and finding something unique to offer within my niche which is teaching foreign languages.
I do believe I can be successful once I find my USP.
Thanks for the great post!
Thank you for sharing that Ligia. It’s great that you have some direction. Now it’s a matter of honing in to identify:
What solution you can offer that people are actively looking for and are willing and able to pay for, and that you can deliver in a unique way. In other words, it’s time to solve the Niche Puzzle: 1) your solution, 2) your target market, and 3) your competition.
Remember that it’s a synergistic process and it takes time to do it right, but it’s well worth it. It’s the entire foundation for your business success.
Keep us posted and send me an email if you need any help.
warm wishes,
Thanks, Cindy! I certainly will keep you posted.
And happy birthday to your son!
First, I want to give birthday wishes to your son. Tell him that I hope he has many many more birthday.
Now on to the article…..I think it is great. I love Brendon Burchard and I think he’s advice is wonderful. Where do I see myself in this?………….Well, I have a lot of valuable things to say but I need to stay consistent with my action plan to SAY those valuable things.
Great point Laticia. We can have all the expertise in the world, all the knowledge and training in the world. But if we don’t take consistent action on what we learn to move our business forward, then we inevitably get stuck. The challenge then becomes to understand WHY we’re not being consistent with our action plan. Sometimes it’s a matter of time management, or difficulty setting priorities. Other times the challenge runs deeper, like the fear of failure or even success. It’s so important to work with our coaches on these things so we can get unstuck and reach our goals.
thank you for sharing Laticia. I appreciate it.
warm wishes,
Wow! Mindset #4 really resonates with me, especially where I am in my career and life. Get article. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Alfreda,
Thank you for stopping by and sharing your feedback. Much appreciated!