Your marketing message is one of the most valuable assets you can create for your business. Even the best (and shiniest) marketing activities will fall flat without effective messaging. So what makes your marketing message effective? Here are 10 criteria to help you assess the effectiveness of your message. 1. Focused Your marketing message should […]
The 3 Key Things That Inspire Your Ideal Clients to Hire You
Create a Brand Message that’s True to You

If you’re marketing yourself online, you have just seconds to capture someone’s attention before they click away. So how do you capture peoples’ attention? How do you keep then engaged and connected to you? Through the power of your brand. What’s a Brand? Everyone talks about “branding” and how important it is to your business […]
The Key to Nailing Your Next Interview
How to Excite Potential Clients to Say Yes to Working with YOU!
How to Create a Great Giveaway to Grow Your List
4 Things to Communicate to Inspire Your Clients to Hire You

I was meeting with a client today helping her review the giveaway she created to grow her email list. This lady really knows her stuff, but as I reviewed it, I realized it wouldn’t inspire her prospective clients to hire her. So we went through an exercise where we uncovered the real reasons your potential clients […]