The first year after I founded Attract Your Niche, I was working hard and was fueled by the assumption that I was going to make it. There were definitely ups and downs, but I never stopped believing that I could succeed with my business. Then year two came along and the ride got bumpier. There were great highs and some definite lows. Why? Because the reality set in that it wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be, and I started playing a bigger game. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and continue to do so on a continuous basis.
As my friend, Adela Rubio, said during our recent interview, if you don’t have moments of self doubt then you’re not playing a big enough game. Truer words couldn’t be said.
Last week I found myself in a huge high and a big low all at the same time. I won’t go into the details but suffice it to say that I was in a major slump. Part of it was exhaustion after my friend, Milana Leshinsky’s live event at which I was a speaker. The bottom line is that I felt stripped of all enthusiasm.
So what did I do, and what do I suggest you do, to get out of a slump? Three things:
1. Tell yourself to snap out of it. I know it’s not as easy as it sounds, but you have to simply tell yourself that you are doing amazing things and having slumps is part of the natural cycle of business and life. Shift your perspective and realize that this too shall pass.
2. Talk to someone. Sometimes we just need to vent. Lucky for me, my husband is a great listener. He doesn’t talk much, but he’s a great listener. Love you honey:) I also have a support group of other small business owners who can totally understand what I’m going through. Many have been at it a lot longer than me and can help me see the path to the other side. I also have a mentor/coach I work with, but personally, I prefer to spend that precious time on forward action.
3. Help people. This is huge for me and I know that it’s a major reason that you are likely building your business too. You have a strong desire to help people with your area of expertise. I made a decision that I was going to really help, I mean reallllllly help, 3 people in the next 3 days (3 is my lucky number:). And I did, with a bang!
Here is what one of clients emailed to me in response to what I did for him.
“That inspiring pep-talk/critique you offered me on Thursday night was about the swiftest piece of coaching I’ve ever experienced. That’s the kind of “right-to-the-heart” insight that turns careers around. Anyway, 1,000,000 thanks, coach. As I mentioned when I called you Sunday morning, I signed up a couple of clients and a bunch of us Easterners even planned an event in October. All that just confirmed how attractive (needed) my message is. You are making a huge difference in this world, young lady. I just want you to know that!”
Holy cow! Did that ever make me feel better.
What do you think? Have you ever been in a slump? What did you do to get yourself out of it? Please leave your comments below. As I always say, we’re all in this together!
Cindy, I find you so refreshingly “REAL”. Your communications always energize me. So just keep doing what you’re doing!
Thank you Bonnie! I so appreciate you. And I’m glad to hear that I’m helping keep you energized. Sometimes I have too much energy. Just ask my husband:)
Thanks sweet friend, I needed to read this and will several more times! feeling in a slump and having a hard time digging myself out. Love you tons!
I’m sorry to hear that Ruth. If I can do anything, please let me know. You have such a huge heart and are so giving. I have no doubt you’ll get out of your slump. We’ll talk soon. hugs, Cindy
Cindy, This was a timely post for me. I’ve been doing the “snap out of it” talk and dealing with the critical voice that thinks it has the upper hand when a low appears in the high/low entrepreneurial roller coaster. It’s dancing along an edge being direct AND kind with oneself to stay REAL but not critical. You are very fortunate to have a listening husband. We all need that circle of listeners and supportive business buddies. Thanks for sharing your message and the three steps.I’m headed out in the morning to find my 3!
That’s awesome Kate! Thank you for sharing. I would love to hear your success stories of how you helped others.
By the way, it doesn’t even have to be helping clients or business related. Just help others with your special gifts.
This is timely and so true. I attended an event this past weekend and was in a huge slump on Monday. I know now that exhaustion played a big part in it. Once I got the mental and physical rest I needed and clarified my plan of action, I was jazzed again and on fire. Thanks Cindy for sharing your experience and helping us avoid and overcome with your example.
You’re the best Deanna. I so appreciate you sharing your experience. Attending events can be amazing in terms of training, networking, etc.. but they can also be exhausting. I love how you gave yourself the time to rest and get re-energized. Glad to hear you’re back on track!
Point #2 is big with me right now. I suddenly realized last week that I wasn’t really in a group nor in very close touch with friends lately. All last year I was involved in several groups, two that I helped to organize. Each has come to an end; some friends are out of marketing for a while… wow! I realized that I needed to start putting together a new group. I actually brought this up with my own coach; it isn’t my usual topic, but it just struck me how much I missed the interaction. So yeah – we need these things to keep on track.
Thanks for sharing that Richard. I know that you, as an expert in collaboration, will have no problem pulling together a wonderful group of professionals. That interaction is sooo important. I’m very lucky to have trusted friends and colleagues (in addition to my coach/mentor) I can call when I have a question or want to brainstorm or something. You are one of the valued people I include in that circle, so thank you for always being there.
warm wishes,
Than you Cindy for all the lessons and comments,they are really inspiring to move on,not letting us going down
You’re so welcome Ana – thanks for taking the time to leave your comment. I appreciate it!